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Our class will emphasize the historical, social, economic, religious, and cultural contexts in which the literature of particular periods was written. Our text also has an extensive Website that expands on these contexts with videos, audio recordings, and additional readings. Written assignments will include close readings and analyses of texts, as well as assignments to build students understanding of, and competence with, literary terms. In Song of the Open Road, Walt Whitmans invitation to take a journey with him could set the tone or our class: Camerado, I give you my hand! I give you my love more precious than money, I give you myself before preaching or law; Will you give me yourself? Will you come travel with me? Shall we stick by each other as long as we live? If we think about the study of literature as a journey we take with the authors to explore their responses to the world they live in, we can accept Whitmans invitation to hit the open road and discover our own interpretations of those worlds and ideas. The journey of studying literature improves our critical think skills and our ability to express our ideas, expands our knowledge of language, and provides us with tools to explore a rich tapestry of intellect and imagination. I am planning the syllabus now, so please check this Website in December for more detailed information. I hope you join our class! See below for information about the required texts. ENG 451B Prerequisite: ENG 102 or instructors permission Texts: 1. Norton Anthology of American Literature. (VOL 2) 1865-PRESENT, 7th ed. Nina Baym, ed. 2007. Norton. ISBN: 9780393930559 2. The Great Gatsby. F. Scott Fitzgerald. 2004. Scribners. 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